Whether you have a small fruit tree or a large Oak, it's important to hire a professional service to get the job done safely. Countless do-it-yourself homeowners are injured every year while performing yard work activities. Our team has the experience and equipment to perform these tasks in a safe and efficient manner. Plus, you'll have peace of mind knowing that you have hired professionals that carry the proper insurance to protect you in the unlikely event that something goes wrong. We always provide a free consultation to discuss the options and pricing before you make a decision.

  • Cutting from Bucket

A Word About Diseased and Dying Palms . . .

Problems with diseased and dying palms are on the rise in Sarasota County.  The two most common palm health problems that we have been seeing with palms in our area are Ganoderma Butt Rot and Palmetto Weevil infestations. Lightening strikes are also fairly common. In general, by the time you notice the signs of a problem, it's too late. Palm death due to a weevil infestation usually takes 3 to 5 weeks, it takes much longer for a decline to due to disease such as Ganoderma. Death due to a lightening strike is almost overnight.

A Word About Dying Pine Trees . . .

Many Sarasota County neighborhoods are currently experiencing problems with Pine Beetle infestations. These aggressive pests are killing Pines at a rapid rate. Freshly trimmed trees (wounded/stressed trees) are like a beacon to these destructive pests. Therefore, we do not recommend trimming Pines unless absolutely necessary.  If it is necessary, all cuts should be sprayed with tree wound spray. Live Pines should NEVER be climbed with spikes.