The following trees are acceptable replacements in Sarasota County:
American Elm | Ulmus americana – multiple cultivars | No |
Bald Cypress | Taxodium distichum | No |
Black Mangrove | Avicennia germinans | No |
Green Buttonwood | Conocarpus erectus | Yes |
Cabbage Palm (see Notes below) | Sabal palmetto | No |
Carolina Ash | Fraxinus caroliniana | No |
Dahoon Holly | Ilex cassine | Yes |
East Palaka Holly | Ilex x attenuata | Yes |
False Mastic | Sideroxylon foetidissimum | No |
Gumbo Limbo | Bursera simaruba | No |
Pignut Hickory | Carya glabra | No |
Laurel Oak | Quercus laurifolia | No |
Live Oak | Quercus virginiana | No |
Loblolly Bay | Gordonia lasianthus | Yes |
Longleaf Pine | Pinus palustris | No |
Marlberry | Ardisia escallonioides | No |
Red Bay | Persia borbonia | Yes |
Red Mangrove | Rhizophora mangle | No |
Red Maple | Acer rubrum | No |
Sand Pine | Pinus clausa | Yes |
Seagrape | Coccoloba uvifera | Yes |
Slash Pine | Pinus elliottii var. ‘densa’ | No |
Southern Magnolia | Magnolia grandiflora – multiple cultivars | No |
Southern Red Cedar | Juniperus silicicola | Yes |
Sugarberry | Celtis laevigata | No |
Sweet Bay | Magnolia virginiana | Yes |
Sweet Gum | Liquidambar styraciflua | No |
Water Oak | Quercus nigra | No |
Wax Myrtle (see Notes below) | Myrica cerifera | Yes |
White Mangrove | Laguncularia racemosa | No |
Yaupon Holly | Ilex vomitoria | Yes |
Note: Cabbage Palm and Wax Myrtle No more than 25% of the replant will consist of these two species.
*Trees with shallow root systems may be appropriate for constrained sites.
Please use the list above when selecting trees required to be planted by the Trees Code (Chapter 54, Article XVIII) Tree Permit. It is recommended that the site-specific conditions and character of the tree species at maturity are evaluated before selecting trees.